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Can You Use a Payday Loan to Take a Vacation?

Since payday loans have become available online, the popularity of these short-term, smaller-size loans has soared. More people than ever before are finding that easy access to payday loans (particularly because your credit score is largely irrelevant to getting one) is opening up new possibilities for managing bills and other expenses – many of them unplanned emergencies – in life.

But can you – should you – get a payday loan (near you) to take a vacation? There are several different ways of looking at this question:

  • Yes, but… – The fact is that how you use the money from your payday loan is no one’s business but yours. Just remember there are costs associated with it in interest, fees and late payback penalties. You are expected to pay back on your paycheck advance cash, and the sooner the better. If you borrowed, say, $1000 in a payday loan, would you be able to pay it back in the next month or less?

  • If you’re short on cash, what are your priorities? – If you lack for spare cash, is a vacation what you need to do? Would it be better to pay some bills, particularly on things that will cost less if you pay earlier rather than later (credit card balances are one easy example)?

  • Some trips are necessary – To be sure, Americans are taking fewer and shorter trips away from life, and taking less time off from work, than in previous generations. This is not a good thing. Coupled with the increased stresses of life, it might be good for your health and your head to go somewhere, to get a different perspective. And if it is a trip to visit family or good old friends, there is a value to shoring up those relationships. It does not have a price tag.

Another way of evaluating whether a vacation is something you should borrow money to take is to ask, “How will I feel at the end of the trip?” If in some way it will be an important enrichment of your life, or the life of someone important to you – something that you couldn’t achieve with a phone call or book or DVD – then perhaps it is the right choice.

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